
The Imagination Tree: 5-A-Day Books Challenge

I was very excited when I woke up to find that The Imagination Tree had posted a challenge on her Facebook page.
I've always wanted to try a blogger challenge but always seem to find them after they're already started or already done.
This one is simple, something we already do a lot but with a twist!
It's a 5-A-Day-Books Challenge!
Here's all you have to do:

  • Pick 5 books 
  • Read them everyday for at least a week
That's all!
It is suggested to choose short simple books and at least 2 or more books with rhyming words or a repeated refrain, which is easy enough!

So for Week 1 here are the books I chose:

If you want to join me and The Imagination Tree in this challenge pop on over to this post with your list of 5 books and check out all of the other books already posted for ideas for next week! 
I can't wait for the end of this week to see what kind of affect (if any) it has on the girls. Charlotte already tried reading a few of the books by herself this morning, she does know a few parts from each book so I'm really interested to see how she'll be reading by Sunday. Keep an eye out for an update!


  1. Sounds like fun! Count us in!

  2. Exciting! I love your choice of books and am interested to see that lots of people are choosing One Duck Stuck! It's those great rhymes I'm guessing! Thanks so much for linking up and can't wait to hear how you get on.


I welcome comments, thank you for stopping by!